Requirement #1: Research and Reading

\(\boxed{\mathbb{REQ}\Large \rightsquigarrow}\) Choose A or B or C and complete all the requirements.
  1. Watch about three hours total of shows or documentaries related to agriculture or farming. Then do the following:

    1. Make a list of at least five questions or ideas from the show(s) you watched.

    2. Discuss two of the questions or ideas with your counselor.


    Some examples include—but are not limited to—shows found on PBS (“America’s Heartland,” “America Revealed,” “NOVA”), Discovery Channel, Science Channel, National Geographic Channel, History Channel, TED Talks (online videos), or “Good Eats” on the Food Network. You may choose to watch a live performance or movie at a planetarium or science museum instead of watching a media production. You may watch online productions with your counselor’s approval and under your parent’s supervision; appropriate websites include www.americasheartland.orga and

  2. Read (about three hours total) about anything related to agriculture or farming. Do the following.

    1. Make a list of at least five questions or ideas from each article

    2. Discuss two of the questions or ideas with your counselor


    Books on these topics may be found at your local library. Examples of magazines include—but are not limited to—Odyssey, Kids Discover, National Geographic Kids, Highlights, and Owl.

  3. Do a combination of reading and watching (about three hours total). Then do the following:

    1. Make a list of at least two questions or ideas from each article or show.

    2. Discuss two of the questions or ideas with your counselor.


    Examples of magazines include—but are not limited to—Odyssey, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Science Illustrated, Discover, Air & Space, Popular Astronomy, Astronomy, Science News, Sky & Telescope, Natural History, Robot, Servo, Nuts and Volts, and Scientific American.

Additional Challenge

  1. What crop produces the most cash for American farmers?

    1. Corn;

    2. Wheat;

    3. Apple;

    4. Potatoes

  2. Which of these units is the most common way to measure the size of a farm in the U.S.?

    1. Square miles;

    2. Bushels;

    3. Acres;

    4. Cubic feet

  3. Which type of livestock produces the most money for U.S. farmers?

    1. Cattle;

    2. Pigs;

    3. Chickens;

    4. Goats

Note: These questions are inspired by a trivia found on how stuff works.


Once you have completed this requirement, make sure you document it in your worksheet!